Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and allows book bloggers to spotlight releases that we are greatly anticipating.
This week, my Waiting on Wednesday pick is:
Goodreads summary:
It’s 1996, and less than half of all American high school students have ever used the Internet.
Emma just got her first computer and an America Online CD-ROM.
Josh is her best friend. They power up and log on–and discover themselves on Facebook, fifteen years in the future.
Everybody wonders what their Destiny will be. Josh and Emma are about to find out.
I am a Facebook addict. (The sad thing is that I am better than I used to be). That’s why I found the concept of this novel immediately compelling. And what’s more, I think that Jay Asher is a very gifted writer. I’ve also heard good things about Carolyn Mackler, so I’m really looking forward to reading it. Thankfully I won’t have to wait much longer!
The Future of Us will be released November 21, 2011 by Razorbill.