TGIF and Follow Friday

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and is a way to expand your blog community by finding new blogs to follow!

Q. If you could pick one character in a book, movie or television show to swap places with, who would it be?

This is a toughy because in most of my favorite novels, the character go through some really tough crap to get to the wonderful. Maybe I’m overthinking it, but a relative dies, the parents divorce, they have to watch the guy they love with someone else for a long, long while… and I’d like to avoid most of that. So I’m going to go with Min from Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie (Rom com… not YA). The stuff she goes through to get to love with Cal is seriously minor in comparison to most other novels and it is one of my favorite books of all time. Plus, Cal is seriously swoony.

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads and is another weekly question meme, but I think both are fun! This week’s question is:


To-Be-Read’s: How big is your pile? Which book keeps getting pushed down the stack, but you keep meaning to read it?

According to Goodreads, my To-Read list is currently 177 books long. Physically, my “Pile” consists of about 20 e-books/ARCs, 6 library books, and about 4 books that I own but haven’t read yet. I keep meaning to pick up a book or two by Holly Black since I haven’t gotten around to reading her work and I’ve heard nothing but good things, but somehow I forget every time I go to the library!

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