Something Sunday/New Year’s Accountability

On Something Sunday, I’ll discuss something old, something new, and something borrowed that I’ve used, experienced, or read this week. This could be a new place, doing something new, trying something new, looking at old pictures… really the possibilities are endless. I figured it’s a good way to look at the past, present, and… well, people’s generosity from week to week.

We’re skipping something blue. Because the color will get tedious after a while and any other connotation has the potential to be super depressing.

Something Old:

My parents house is in remediation for Chinese Drywall (we’re in a rental home right now) so we went over there to clear it out. I forgot I had these bath salts, so I brought them back to the rental. Score!

Something New:

I met Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler at the South Florida stop of their The Future of Us tour! It was wonderful to hear both of them speak– they were so funny and it was extremely interesting to learn how their collaborative process worked. I also got to chat with fellow blogger JJ of JJ iReads while at Books & Books.

Something Borrowed:

Haven’t borrowed it yet, but I’m off to my friend Jacqui’s soon to borrow her fashion expertise and let her “dress me.”

That’s this week’s Something Sunday!

And now for some New Year’s resolutions accountability:

1. Write at least once a week. Success, though minor! I didn’t get a LOT of words down, but as I said yesterday, it’s better than nothing!

2. Be social at least once a week. Success! Went out in the early evening on Thursday & Friday night and attended a book signing on Saturday

3. Cook at least once a week. Fail. Forgot. Completely.

4. Exercise at least 3 times a week. Success! 1 day with Jillian and 2 on the elliptical.

5. Get back to a weight and fitness level that I’m happy with- Nearly there!

6. Don’t look at the numbers so much in blogging. Continued success!

7. Create and make progress on my 25 before 25 list. Success! List is done! Expect a post on it soon.

8. Apply for a job every day until I find one. Success! I’ve stuck to this, but I look forward to the day that I can stop searching and settle into a job.

How are you doing on your resolutions?

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