Title: Centauriad #1: Daughter of the Centaurs
Author: Kate Klimo
Published January 24th 2012 by Random House Books for Young Readers
Goodreads summary:
Malora knows what she was born to be: a horse wrangler and a hunter, just like her father. But when her people are massacred by batlike monsters called Leatherwings, Malora will need her horse skills just to survive. The last living human, Malora roams the wilderness at the head of a band of magnificent horses, relying only on her own wits, strength, and courage. When she is captured by a group of centaurs and taken to their city, Malora must decide whether the comforts of her new home and family are worth the parts of herself she must sacrifice to keep them.
Kate Klimo has masterfully created a new world, which at first seems to be an ancient one or perhaps another world altogether, but is in fact set on earth sometime far in the future.
Review excerpt:
“Oh, how very badly I wanted to love Daughter of the Centaurs. It’s got most things that I look for. High-concept? Check. Seemingly strong main character? Check. Blurb from one of my most beloved authors? BONUS check.
Unfortunately, I gave up on it after about 120 pages.”
Read why here.
Overall rating: Unrated. Did Not Finish.