Love-A-Thon Mini Challenge #1: Love-A-Thon Awards!

Mini-challenge numero uno! Bloggy “awards!” I can’t promise that I’ll catch up with ALL of the mini-challenges today, but the whole point of today is to spread love for other book blogs, so I wasn’t going to skip THIS one!

Best reviews:

Mermaid Vision Books– Angel’s reviews never fail to make me envious. When she loves a book, it comes through in her writing– her review is just as gorgeous as she believes the book is. Beautifully written.

A Storm of Words– Lindsey’s reviews are often a lot like mine– which is to say that we review the same way we talk and many times we wind up fangirling.

Real Men Read YA– This blog is HI-larious. And awesome. I love seeing the male reader perspective with such an awesome voice.

Best Book Discussion:

The Perpetual Page Turner– I’m sure that Jamie has won ALL the awards in this category because her discussions are everything from funny to thought-provoking.

Books With Cass– I just recently discovered her blog, but she does some awesome discussion posts, like expectations meeting reality when it comes to reading.

Poetry to Prose– Steph doesn’t do a crap ton of discussion, but I love when she does! (Hint, hint Steph). I especially love when her new meme This or That Thursday winds up having a bookish bend to it.

Best Blog Design/Layout:

Forever Young Adult– I feel like this would have been a challenge to design because FYA has a crap ton going on, but it’s still a clean, easily navigable site.

G Reads!– G Reads has such a CLEAN design. It’s eye-catching, but simple.

Alexa Loves Books– Obviously as participants in the Love-A-Thon, you’re all familiar with Alexa and her blog, but I think it’s so cute! Especially her header.

Best Non-Book posts:

Forever Young Adult– They watch some of my favorite shows and recap them in the most hilarious way possible. I love reading them after watching!

More Than Just Magic and Coffee and Wizards– Not only do these two ladies do the Doctor Who Watch Along, but I also love Meghan’s (C&W) Unpopular Opinion and Discussion posts and Christa’s (MTJM) fandom posts

Penmanship Smitten– I love Aimee’s posts about Manga and Anime!

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