I’ve been tagged for this meme by the fabulous Melissa over at Press Play (where, by the way, I will be guest blogging one day in August), so right off, here we go!
These are the categories I’ll be identifying posts from:
- Your most beautiful post
- Your most popular post
- Your most controversial post
- Your most helpful post
- A post whose success surprised you
- A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved
- The post that you are most proud of
I wouldn’t use the word beautiful to describe any of my posts to be perfectly honest, but I’m rather fond of the one in which I discuss why I named my blog Almost Grown-up and why the name is going to stick.
This one is easy. My most popular post, hands down was my first vlog (of a whopping two vlogs) in which I discuss my problems with writer’s block!
I’m not going to link to this one, but a while back on the blog I had before Almost Grown-up, I wrote a post wondering what college life would be like if I hadn’t been a member of my university’s Greek Life. It got some pretty hurtful comments, so I wound up just disabling the comments on it.
My diet soda post! I think the facts are helpful, but I wish that it had helped me cure my diet soda addiction as well.
This is the same as my most popular post… I was shocked by the amount of comments the Writer’s Block Vlog (or Writer’s Vlock as I affectionately called it) received.
My #YASaves and #RomanceKills posts… I just thought that they were so interesting, but I suppose most of my readers that would be interested saw it somewhere else first.
My first Something Sunday post. I had wanted to come up with my own meme for so long and I finally finally did!
Now, here I’m supposed to tag five people to complete this meme, but I admit that most blogs that I follow are book blogs, so it wouldn’t really work for them. If anyone else is interested, feel free to link me to it!