In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren and is a way to feature books that were borrowed, bought, or received by book bloggers.
No vlog this week because… well, my netbook’s webcam sucks and that’s what I have to work with at the moment.
Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez (From 365 Days Reading)
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner
Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner
For review:
The Queen of Kentucky by Alecia Whitaker (NetGalley/Little, Brown)
Arcania, Trial by Fire # 1 by Liz Maverick (for Page Turners Blog)
Rae of Hope by Wanita May (Author provided)
Possible review:
Ugly to Start With by John Michael Cummings (Author provided)
What was in your mailbox?