
My posts have obviously been sporadic lately, so this is something that I’ve been mulling over.

I need to take a brief hiatus from blogging.

I’m not quitting, by any means. It’s just that I’m currently trying to balance a new full-time job with a social life, an internship, blogging responsibilities, and finishing revisions on the first novel that I want to query. I wanted to make BookTubing a regular thing too, but that was a goal that hasn’t happened. I simply don’t have time to do it all right now and I hate doing something halfway the way that I’ve been blogging lately.

If I have time, I might still throw the odd post up about a book that I just need to talk about. But no promises.

Give me around a month– maybe a little more– to get my first query letters out into great, wide world, and I’ll be back to blogging with bells on.*

I’ll see you guys then!

Until then, though, you can find me doing my usual thing on ze Twittah.


*Disclaimer: Will not actually wear bells while blogging. 😉

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