Cinder Blog Tour: Interview with Jesse, Marissa Meyer’s hubby!

It’s time for stop number sixteen on the Cinder Blog Tour!

Cinder is a Marissa Meyer’s debut novel in which the story of Cinderella is envisioned as a science-fiction world where Cinderella is a cyborg. I’ve been having an awesome time reading along and discovering more and more about Marissa Meyer’s journey in writing Cinder. I absolutely adored the book and love learning more about it.

Today, Marissa’s own personal Prince Charming– her husband, Jesse– has stopped by Almost Grown-up to tell us about himself and his life with Marissa!

Jen: First off, Jesse, it’s nice to “meet” you. ^_^
Jesse: It’s nice to “meet” you as well.

Jen: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Jesse: Well. I’m 32 years old, 6’4″ 175lbs, and a gemini. I enjoy long walks through old neighborhoods looking at historic houses and cuddling (true story). I am a general contractor by day and Marissa’s sidekick by night. Sadly I haven’t been issued my cool costume yet.

Jen: How did you and Marissa meet?
Jesse: Marissa and I met Aug 4th 2006 at a hot rod and rockabilly show in Tacoma called the HotRod-a-Rama. She was there to meet up with some girlfriends and I was there for the cars. While she was waiting by the dance floor for her friends to show up, a friend of mine pushed me over to her and told her I was looking for a dance partner (which I sorta was). We hit it off instantly and I proposed 4 years later.

Jen: Did you get to see any early drafts or bits and pieces of Cinder? Please understand how jealous I am if the answer is yes!
Jesse: I did help Marissa a little with car-related scenes in the book, but didn’t read Cinder until the ARC was released. I’m not really sure why I didn’t read it earlier, other than the fact that I’m not a writer and felt I didn’t really have much to offer in the way of critiques. I will however be reading Scarlet before the ARC is released.

Jen: What was it like for the two of you planning your wedding amidst all the chaos of preparing for Marissa’s first novel?
Jesse: Well, Bride-zilla never made an appearance. It should have been very hectic, but Marissa is a great multi-tasker and handled everything amazingly. We also had A LOT of help planning and preparing from family and friends which made things much easier.

Jen: What do the two of you like to do for fun when you’re not knee-deep in planning monumental events like a wedding or a first novel launch?
Jesse: Cuddling, as I referenced earlier, is something that we both find very relaxing. We both love old homes and architecture and Tacoma has some great old neighborhoods, so in the summer we spend a lot of time exploring and photographing old homes, with plans to build our own new “old” home… so I guess we’re always planning monumental events. We also never pass up an estate sale sign.

Jen: What is your favorite science-fiction book or movie? (No cheating and saying Cinder! 😉 )
Jesse: Does “Jaws” count? It does have a cyborg shark. I have probably seen Jaws 136 times, but if I stumble on TBS showing it again, I will have to watch.

Jen: If you got to pick one android body part or ability—whether it’s an internal lie detector, the ability to download information right into your brain, or something else entirely—what would you choose?
Jesse: I think having a super hero suit a la Iron Man would be ideal. That way if I wanted to be normal ol’ Jesse, I could just take the suit off. But when I wanted or needed to be superhuman, I could hop in the suit and kick some, you know.

Jen: And I have to ask: Pick a fairy tale, any fairy tale as your favorite.
Jesse: I was going to go the super cheesy route and say mine and Marissa’s life, but I won’t do that. Gross! I have a younger sister, so we watched all of the Disney movies over and over again, and I enjoyed them, but not nearly as much as I enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Charlie Bucket’s life is a true rags to riches story.

Thanks for stopping by Almost Grown-up, Jesse, and congrats on your recent wedding and on your own “happily ever after,” Jesse and Marissa!

Enter to win your own copy of Cinder on the giveaway post!

Read my review of Cinder here and my This-or-That interview with Marissa here.

For more Cinder goodness, follow along or catch up on the rest of the blog tour. All of the stops are listed here. And for even MORE, check out Marissa’s blog!

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