Title: Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
Author: Lish McBride
Sam leads a pretty normal life. He may not have the most exciting job in the world, but he’s doing all right—until a fast food prank brings him to the attention of Douglas, a creepy guy with an intense violent streak.
Turns out Douglas is a necromancer who raises the dead for cash and sees potential in Sam. Then Sam discovers he’s a necromancer too, but with strangely latent powers. And his worst nightmare wants to join forces . . . or else.
With only a week to figure things out, Sam needs all the help he can get. Luckily he lives in Seattle, which has nearly as many paranormal types as it does coffee places. But even with newfound friends, will Sam be able to save his skin?
I read this book for the Forever YA book club and I will tell you right off the bat that I did not expect to like it. But I will also tell you right off the bat that I loved it.
I’m also going to apologize because since I loved it so much, I know that this review gets a bit disjointed in places.
Ssm is a bit of a slacker: a college drop-out living in Seattle and just getting by day to day on the money he makes with his job at Plumpy’s, a fast-food restaurant, where he pals around with his friends: sassy Brooke, best friend Ramon, and the new guy, Frank. And sure, if he engages in the occasional game of potato hockey, who cares? It doesn’t trouble anyone, right?
Except that their last game of potato hockey does trouble someone. Someone that you really don’t want to trouble.
I have no complaints about this book. None. Usually I don’t like the incorporation of too many supernatural creatures. But McBride did it in such a unique, funny way that I loved it.
I was terrified of Douglas, wanted to be best friends with Sam’s friends, and felt so bad for him as he learns more and more about who he is. Plus, I laughed out loud about every minute.
I loved that it was from the point of view of a boy: Samhain Corvus LaCroix. Sam. And he wasn’t some ridiculously brave guy or an overachiever or anything cliched at all
And the girls in this book: They are so bad-ass and it was nice to see girls portrayed that way for a change.
This book broke the mold.
Rating: 5/5! Check this one out for sure.
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